The parable of the python and the royal cobra

Life | Wisdom | Spirituality | Awakening

The parable of the python and the royal cobra - Awakening Teachings 覺醒教導

What is the greatest value of life in 2024 (1)?
Read this story, the rest of your life will change!

The Parable Of The Python And The Royal Cobra

In the past, people were stuck in a slumber between themselves and others due to their immaturity. This is slowly changing. More people are starting to look within themselves, and they are starting to understand that the way they see, perceive and interact with the world is an inner process that needs to evolve.

In the past, humans interacted like python and king cobra:

“The python choked king cobra, while king cobra bit him. Both snakes died, one from suffocation and the other from poisoning.”

This is how people communicated with each other. Somehow, people kept unconsciously destroying each other. Friendships ended, relationships broke up violently, families where decimated, people got hurt more and more causing their emotional outbursts to be even stronger while hurting other people. All because one always wanted to be better than the other.
In the past, humans would “smother” others with their ego of superiority, comparison and/or jealousy. Others ended up poisoning each other with harsh words, anger, envy and deceit until they destroyed each other.
In the end, all roads to power lead to death.
The only way to life is to choose love, compassion, honesty and faith to your nature; the one which originates from the Light!

Like the python and king cobra, in the past we have hurt and been hurt by others, sometimes unintentionally and sometimes intentionally, because we were already hurt. We now have to stop this, since it got us nowhere and only brought us pain. Humanity is starting to wake up, understanding that we need to heal our wounds, let bygones be bygones. We can no longer hide behind something that happened in the past, while destroying our present which affects our future and the future of other souls. We are all in this together, passengers on the ship called Earth traversing space.

So dear friends, Heal the wounded child within you, letting bygones be bygones. Was the world cruel and violent to you?!!! It wasn’t towards you personally, the source of the violence towards you was peoples’ own instability and hurt.

You didn’t know, but that’s okay! Now that you have started to understand, now that you know, you have to change. If you want this world to change for the better, healing your wounds is the most important work you can do towards the Whole, but also the most important step towards your Inner Awakening! Be the change you want to see in the world.

Keep working towards self-improvement and everyone will be able to see your peace and radiance, wanting to also drink from the cup of bliss.

Only Love will lead us to the Light. Only Love will soothe the hearts of men. When inner peace blossoms as a quality, no one will attack anyone. In a state of inner peace and tranquility of Mind, even if you were put in hell, you would turn it into heaven.

Hell needs sinners to continue existing. Subjective opinions drive people away from each other. We don’t need to maintain such a world.

Love brings people closer. Let’s Do This!

Only when man evolves spiritually, there will be no one to punish and no one to be punished. If we all move forward as humans and evolve spiritually, then our world itself will be a paradise and every relationship will flourish.

Stop projecting your past and your traumas onto other people. Understand them. Let them go, forgotten, where they belong; in past experiences. You can’t control what happens in the outside world, but what happens inside of you is 100% your job and responsibility to heal and balance it.

If you need time, then take the time you need!

Imagine a world where everyone would help their neighbor to go further, to evolve…can you imagine the dynamics of this chain reaction?!!!

A world full of experientially healed people…how beautiful is that?!

The Awakened World is being created as we speak and we are its CREATORS!!!!!!!

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Σύνταξη άρθρου – Δημιουργία Βίντεο Awakening Teachings
文章作者——Awakening Teachings《觉醒教导》 視頻作者
文章作者——Awakening Teachings《覺醒教導》 视频作者
Author of the article – Awakening Teachings Video Creator
Σανιδόπουλος Νικόλαος – Sanidopoulos Nikolaos / 釋延濟 – 释延济(Shì Yán Jì)
34ης Γενεάς του Σαολίν – 34th Generation from Shaolin Temple
少林34代釋延濟師父 – 少林34代释延济师父

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