Who Are You?

Life | Wisdom | Spirituality | Awakening

Do You Really Know Who You Are?

“In this vast Universe…! Why are you here? Who are you?
Look inside you! Let Go Of Everything That You Are Not!
Rise Up Warriors Of The Light!

Awakening Teachings《覺醒教導》

Welcome to
Awakening Teachings《覺醒教導》!

You are a Being of Light and a Soul Family!

Together we will explore and discover the Infinite Being that you ARE!

Awakening Teachings《覺醒教導》is the place to find anything that you were looking for so that you can continue your Spiritual development!

We will all together continue to spread Wisdom!

But be aware, do not hide behind the words pretending that you know.

Accumulated knowledge and non distorted by the thought “I have Experienced it” are two different things.

You may read it but you have not experienced it yet.

Do not become a spiritual parrot but understand the message that the words carry.

Find the essence of the words and let the sound of silence of understanding melt your accumulated fake identity, let it transform you!

Let the Light tear apart all that you are not, so that you can finally BE the Light Being that you really are!

The True Mind can weather all the lies and illusions without being lost.
The True Heart can touch the poison of hatred without being harmed.
Since beginning less time, darkness thrives in the void,
but Always Yields to Purifying Light.


Keep moving forward in your development as a Soul!

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Μετάφραση Ζεν (Τσαν) Διδασκαλίας – Σύνταξη άρθρου – Δημιουργία Βίντεο Awakening Teachings
禅故事翻譯者——文章作者——Awakening Teachings《觉醒教导》 視頻作者
禅故事翻译者——文章作者——Awakening Teachings《覺醒教導》 视频作者
Translation of the Zen Teaching – Author of the article – Awakening Teachings Video Creator
Σανιδόπουλος Νικόλαος – Sanidopoulos Nikolaos / 釋延濟 – 释延济(Shì Yán Jì)
34ης Γενεάς του Σαολίν – 34th Generation from Shaolin Temple
少林34代釋延濟師父 – 少林34代释延济师父

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